Well, it's only been a few months that I've been here in MN. This winter is proving to me that I do still have some Midwest blood in me. After surviving the snowiest Dec on record (without any driving issues!), I can say I am now surviving the bitter cold. With a temperature of -15, and wind chills hovering between -25 and -30 today, I'd say I'm handling this winter pretty well. Granted, I don't like it much, but the sun is making things a whole lot better!
Thanks to all who came out to experience the free introductory 30 minute sessions I offered for the first 3 weeks of January! It was great getting to meet so many of you this month, and even better to have received feedback that I provided relief to the aches and pains that you were looking for.
Be sure to check out my website special page in the upcoming days for additional Grand Opening Specials. Remember...Valentine's Day is only a few weeks away.